If you or someone you know is currently displaced from your regular income producing job because of this global crisis, consider letting me introduce you to what I have been doing for the past two years and what I have been able to continue doing through my leave of abensce from my full-time teaching position at school, and through my ovarian cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy treatments. This is allowing me to continue making an income while still "social distancing".
Listen, this may or not be a fit for you. But, I had to get brave and just ask!
Someone may just be looking for another way to bring an income in! Know any bartenders that have been displaced due to the current situation we are all facing? Waitresses, Fitness instructors? Hair stylists and nail salon techs? College age students with student loans? Realtors?
I am so grateful to the person that first shared this business with me. But, I was struggling with the idea of blogging about my opportunity for fear that my message may come across as being insensitive to what's going on. Then my friend Maria told me to be the "light at the end of the tunnel for those around you, YOU just may have what someone else is looking for".
So, just maybe, I can be someone's light, or an option, or an answer to someone's prayer for help. I do no one any good keeping what I am doing quite. The consequences of my silence could impact thousands of people over my lifetime. The same goes for the consequences of me sharing my opportunity - I could IMPACT thousands for better, and THAT's what I WANT to do!
Despite our quarantined status, my home-based business is considered essential and is operating at full steam ahead. In addition to being a science teacher (on medical leave with no paycheck coming in), and a studio owner (whic is CLOSED due to COVID-19 with no income coming in), I also own a home-based health & wellness business, which currently is my only source of income!
I may be completely off base here, but I'm just curious...do you keep your options open when it comes to making money? Would you be at all open to a side project if it didn't interfere with what you are currently doing? Or do you know anyone that would like to make some extra money part-time if we showed them exactly how to do it?
No biggie if you are not interested...that's totally cool. I just felt compelled to throw it out there. I just may be the answer to someone's prayer.
Text or call me (908-403-0622) or email me (gallerybarrenj@gmail.com) if you'd like to learn more.
Dream big. Believe big. Pray big...and go with the flo!